The employees of our Company with electrical engineering degrees are members of the Hungarian Chamber of Engineers, and they possess the appropriate warrants for the preparation of planning documents to build elcetronic communication facilites.
As part of the planning services, we undertake to prepare planning documents regarding the various construction phases of telecommunication structures, classified as electronic communication facilites services in the following fields of telecommunication networking:
- optical backbone, access and subscription networks
- local, copper cable core, distribution, edge and domestic networks
- cable television coaxial cover networks, system technique and head station configurations
- data transfer systems
- surveillance systems
- intra-building and inter-building closed-circuit systems
- informatic optical networks
- structured cabling systems
- clock networks
- client (patient) calling systems
- indoor and outdoor speaker systems
Preparing design documentation during the construction of electronic communication facilities, with diverse goals and various content:
- feasability study
- various funding grants (ORTT, GVOP, GOP, etc.) and their thecnical appendices
- planning application documents, permits
- planning documents to be presented to competent authorities
- planning documents to be presented to public services
- planning documents to be presented to the National Infocommunication Authority
- contruction plans
- materialization plans
- registry documents
- state record (survey) documents
As part of the planning services, our Company undertakes the preparation of various planning documents required, in accordance with the legal regulations, for the construction of electronic communication facilities.
In accordance with the 29/1999 (X. 6.) decree of the Hungarian Ministry of Transport, Communications and Water Management, amended multiple times, the applicant may be required to prepare documentations for the following authorization phases:
- preliminary building permit
- building permit
- occupancy authorization
- retroactive building permit
- wrecking permit
When in accordance with legal regulations, notification of the Infocommunication Authority is admissable instead of initiating the permitting procedure.
We present our decades worth of planning and design experience in order to help our Revered Clients to realize their projects within legal requirements, through an optimal permitting procedure.